Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Brand Positioning Essays

Brand Positioning Essays Brand Positioning Essay Brand Positioning Essay Source: BSE 1. | What is listing? Listing means admission of the securities to dealings on a recognized stock exchange. The securities may be of any public limited company, Central or state government, quasi government or other financial institution/corporation, municipalities, etc. | 2. | What are the requirements for a PSU to get listed on BSE? A company will have to meet the conditions prescribed under SEBI ICDR Regulations 2009 as well as minimum listing requirements prescribed by the exchange for seeking listing of its equity shares on BSE   | 3. | What is an Offer Document? Is it compulsory to issue an Offer Document? An ‘Offer Document’ is a document which contains all the relevant information about the company, promoters, projects, financial details, objects of raising the money, terms of the issue etc, which is issued for the benefit of prospective investors, and is required to be filed with SEBI and the exchanges(s). A company coming out with a Public Offer has to compulsorily issue an Offer Document. | 4. | What is the time taken for preparation of an Offer Document? The time taken for preparation of the DRHP depends upon the size of the company, and the industry to which it relates. The period varies between 2 to 6 months. | 5. | Please explain DRHP/RHP/Prospectus DRHP  stands for Draft Red Herring prospectus, which is filed with SEBI and the Exchanges. SEBI makes the DRHP filed by companies available on its website for inviting comments from the public. RHP  stands for Red Herring Prospectus. It does not have details of either price or number of shares being offered or the amount of issue. The price band is normally disclosed in the RHP. It incorporates all the changes suggested by SEBI. It is filed with ROC before the issue opens. Prospectus  is an Offer Document which contains all the relevant details including the final price and the number of shares issued. This is also required to be filed with ROC after the issue closes. | 6. | What is book building? It is a process of price discovery, where the price band for the issue has to be disclosed before opening of the issue. The investor is free to make an offer within the price band. The final price is arrived at after the closure of the issue, based on the demands received at various price levels. | 7. | Is book building compulsory? Book building may be optional or compulsory. In case of compulsory book built issues at least 50% of net offer to public needs to be allotted to QIBs failing which the full subscription monies has to be refunded. Further, if the issue to the public is between 10% and 24. 99%, then the company will have to meet the requirements of Rule 19(2) (b) which, inter alia, requires that the issue is made through book built route and at least 60% of the issue size is allocated to QIB’s. However, infrastructure companies are exempt from this requirement. | 8. | Does a company have the option to decide whether to come out with a fixed price issue or through book building issue? A company has the option to come out with a fixed price issue or book built issue. However, if the company does not satisfy any of the conditions stipulated in Chapter III Part I Clause 26 (I) of the SEBI ICDR REGULATIONS 2009, then it has to compulsorily go through the book built route. | 9. | Is appointment of a merchant banker compulsory? Appointment of a merchant banker is compulsory for a Public Offer. | 10. | Does BSE vet the Offer Document? BSE does not vet the Offer Document. However, the exchange may suggest certain changes/disclosures etc. to be made in the Offer Document. | 11. | Is SEBI approval compulsory for Public Offer? Any company coming out with a Public Offer or a rights issue of securities of more than Rs. 50 lakhs in value is required to file a draft Offer Document with SEBI for its observations. SEBI issues an observations letter if the Offer Document contains all the necessary material information and the disclosure requirement is meeting the SEBI ICDR Regulations 2009. | 12. | Are any exemption/concessions given to PSU at the time of listing? Certain category of entities like Public sector banks, and infrastructure companies whose project has been appraised by a public financial institution, etc. nd not less than 5% of the project cost is financed by these institutions, are exempted from the entry norms prescribed under the SEBI ICDR Regulations 2009. | 13. | How long is the issue required to be kept open for subscription? For fixed price Public Offer, the period is between 3-10 working days. For book built issues, it is between 3-7 working days, which is extendable by 3 days in case of revi sion in price band. | 14. | What is the average time taken for listing of securities after the issue opens? In case of book built issues, listing normally takes place within 12 days of closure of issue. In case of fixed price issue, it takes place within 37 days after the closure of the issue. | 15. | What is the minimum level of subscription required for the issue to be successful? What happen if this requirement is not met? At least 90% of the issue has to be subscribed for the issue to sail successfully. Further in case of compulsory book built issue, at least 50% (or 60% where Rule 19(2)(b) of SC ® rules 1957 is applicable) should be allotted to QIBs, failing which the full subscription monies has to be refunded. | 16. | Is underwriting compulsory? What are the different types of underwriting? Underwriting of shares is optional. There are two types of underwriting- hard underwriting and soft underwriting. Hard underwriting is when an underwriter agrees to buy his commitment before the issue opens. The underwriter guarantees a fixed amount to the issuer from the issue. Soft underwriting is when an underwriter agrees to buy the shares at a stage after the issue is closed. | 17. | Is there any requirement of minimum number of shareholders in an issue? There should be minimum number of 1000 shareholders in a Public Offer. | 18. | Is there any time limit prescribed by SEBI for completion of the listing process? What happens if the same is not adhered to? The company has to complete the process of credit of securities to successful investors/refunds within 15 days of closure of the issue. Further, the listing process should be completed within 7 working days of the basis of allotment. In case of delay, the company will become liable to pay interest for the delay. | 19. | Is there any restriction on pricing of the issue? Who decides the pricing of the issue? Companies have the freedom to fix the price in a Public Offer. However, they are required to give full disclosure of the parameters considered by them while deciding the issue price in the Offer Document. There are no restrictions on pricing the issue. The Offer Document contains the factors which have been taken into account while pricing the issue. | 20| What is the minimum % of shares required to be offered to the public for listing? The Public Offer should constitute at least 25% of the post issue paid up capital of the company. However issue made with Public Offer component of less than 25% but more than 10% should meet the requirements of rule 19(2)(b) of SC(R) Rules, 1957. | 21. | What is the Green shoe option? Green Shoe option is a price stabilizing mechanism for maintaining post issue price stability. Under Green Shoe option, shares are issued in excess of the issue size by a maximum of 15% to underwriters to stabilize the price for a period of 30 days immediately following the Public Offer. | 22. | As shares in PSU are held by the Government, is lock-in of pre-issue holding required? Under SEBI ICDR REGULATIONS 2009 for IPO’s, the promoters’ contribution has to be not less than 20% of the post issue capital, which will be under lock-in for a period of 3 years. The remaining pre-issue capital will be locked in for a period of 1 year. There is no exemption from lock-in for PSUs. | 23. Can the Company reserve it shares for certain entities/ employees etc? Reservation on competitive basis can be made to employees of the company, shareholders of the promoting companies and shareholders of group companies. In case of an existing company, reservations can be made for Indian Mutual funds, FIIs, Indian and Multilateral development institutions and scheduled banks   | 24. | What is differential pricing? Can the company have different pricing of different types of allottees? When there is a price difference on the shares offered to different categories, it is called differential pricing. An issuer company can allot the shares to retail individual investors at a maximum discount of 10% to the price at which the shares are offered to other categories of public. | 25. | Who are Anchor Investors? Are they compulsory? An Anchor Investor is a QIB, who is permitted to bid for the shares of a public issue only on the day before the issue opens. The portion available for Anchor Investors is 30% of the portion available to QIBs. The minimum application size has to be for Rs 10 crores. Allocation of shares to Anchor Investors is on discretionary basis subject to certain conditions. The number of shares and price at which allocation is done has to be published by the merchant banker before the issue opens. The Anchor Investor has to pay 25% of the amount on application and the balance within 2 days. | 26. | Is it compulsory to have a full time Company Secretary? Companies having a paid up capital of more than Rs. 5 crores have to compulsorily appoint a full time Company Secretary. | 27. | Is Corporate Governance compliance compulsory for PSUs? All listed companies including PSUs have to comply with Clause 49 of the listing agreement relating to Corporate Governance. | 28. | Can a company list only on a regional exchange? An unlisted company coming out with an IPO is required at least on one stock exchange having nation wise terminals. Additionally, a company may list on any other Exchange. | 29. | What is grading? Is it compulsory? Every unlisted company coming out with a Public Offer is required to obtain grading for its IPO from at least one credit rating agency. The company is required to disclose the rationale furnished by the credit rating agency in the RHP. In case a company has obtained grading from more than one rating agency, then all the grades obtained have to be disclosed in the RHP. | 30. | Is it necessary to appoint a Compliance Officer? Every listed company is required to appoint a Compliance Officer. The Company will have to intimate to SEBI, the name of the Compliance Officer, who will be required to directly liaise with SEBI regarding various compliance requirements and other matters. | 31. | What are the advantages of listing with BSE? BSE has the largest number of listed companies in the world. BSE has a history of more than 135 years. BSE has a full fledged listing Department to assist companies in listing of their securities. In case of PSUs, though the entire capital is listed, the Exchange charges listing fee only on the capital divested to the public. |

Friday, November 22, 2019

Definition and Examples of Target Domain in Metaphor

Definition and Examples of Target Domain in Metaphor In a conceptual metaphor, the target domain is the  quality or experience described by or identified with  the source domain. Also known as the  image recipient. In Introducing Metaphor (2006), Knowles and Moon note that conceptual metaphors equate two concept areas, as in ARGUMENT IS WAR. The term source domain is used for the concept area from which the metaphor is drawn: here, WAR. Target domain is used for the concept area to which the metaphor is applied: here, ARGUMENT. The terms target and source were introduced by George  Lakoff and Mark Johnson  in Metaphors We Live By (1980).  Although the more traditional terms tenor and vehicle (I.A. Richards, 1936)  are roughly equivalent to target domain and source domain, respectively, the traditional terms fail to emphasize the interaction between the two domains.  Ã‚  As  William P. Brown points out, The  terms target domain and source domain  not only acknowledge a certain parity of import between the metaphor and its referent but they also illustrate more precisely the dynamic that occurs when something is referenced metaphorically- a superimposing or unilateral mapping of one domain on another (Psalms, 2010). See Examples and Observations below. Also see: Cognitive LinguisticsConceptual BlendingConceptual DomainMetaphorical ClusterTenorWhat Is a Metaphor? Examples and Observations The Two Domains The two domains that participate in conceptual metaphor have special names. The conceptual domain from which we draw metaphorical expressions to understand another conceptual domain is called source domain, while the conceptual domain that is understood this way is the target domain. Thus, life, arguments, love, theory,  ideas, social organizations, and others are target domains, while journeys, war, buildings, food, plants, and others are source domains. The target domain is the domain we try to understand through the use of the source domain. - Zoltan Kovecses, Metaphor: A Practical Introduction. Oxford University Press, 2001   ​Target and Source Domains in LOVE IS A JOURNEY Metaphorical concepts fulfill all their functions . . . through a network of metaphorical expressions. . . . [T]ake the following example: Conceptual metaphor:LOVE IS A JOURNEYMetaphorical expressions:this relationship is foundering,we are going nowhere,this relationship is a dead-end street,we are at a crossroads, etc. . . . Metaphors connect two conceptual domains: the target domain and the source domain. In the course of metaphorical processes the source domain corresponds to the target domain; in other words, there is a mapping or a projection between the source domain and the target domain. The target domain X is understood in terms of the source domain Y. For example, in the case of the metaphorical concept mentioned above, LOVE is the target domain whereas JOURNEY is the source domain. Whenever JOURNEY is mapped onto LOVE, the two domains correspond to each other in a way which enables us to interpret LOVE as a JOURNEY. - Andrs Kertà ©sz, Cognitive Semantics and Scientific Knowledge. John Benjamins, 2004Mappings -  The term mapping  comes from the nomenclature of mathematics. Its application in metaphor research basically means that features from a  source domain (e.g. OBJECTS) are mapped onto a target domain (e.g. IDEAS). The term metaphorical expression refers to the surface realization of such a cross-domain mapping which is virtually what the term metaphor used to refer to (Lakoff 1993:203).(Markus Tendahl, A Hybrid Theory of Metaphor. Palgrave Macmillan, 2009)  Ã‚  Ã‚  It is possible for two different parts of a sentence to make use of two distinct metaphorical mappings at once. Consider a phrase like, within the coming weeks. Here, within makes use of the metaphor of time as a stationary landscape which has extension and bounded regions, whereas coming makes use of the metaphor of times as moving objects. This is possible because the two metaphors for time pick out different aspects of the target domain.(George Lakoff, The Contemporary Theory of Metaphor, Metaphor and Thought, ed. by A. Ortony. Cambridge University  Press, 1993)

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Volcanoes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Volcanoes - Essay Example Shield Volcano c. Dome Volcano d. Ash-Cinder e. Composite f. Caldera 5. Volcanoes in history and culture ii. disasters type 1 1. Impact on environment, 2. Impact economy 3. Impact people iii. disasters type 2 1. Impact on environment, 2. Impact economy 3. Impact people iv. Solutions proposed by the questions: privatization III. Volcano – Business Opportunities a. Prior eruption i. Geothermal 1. Historical use a. Refuge b. Balenology 2. Common use a. geothermal (ground-source) heat pumps (GHP b. bathing/swimming/spas c. space heating (including district heating d. aquaculture e. agriculture 3. Mechanism a. intrusion of molten rock (magma) b. high surface heat flow c. Heated groundwater 4. Environmental effects a. Emissions b. Noise c. Water use d. Land use e. Impact on natural phenomena, wildlife and vegetation ii. Tourism 1. Types of tourists a. Tours b. Students c. Adventurous 2. Visitors motivations a. Part of the tour, not a specific interests b. Sports c. Photography d. Sc ientific observation 3. The demand for volcano and geothermal tourism 4. Risk management a. Education i. Volcano in it self ii. Emergency actions b. To have qualified guides c. International safety guideline 5. Study case: Galapagos Islands, Volcanoes and wildlife a. Introduction, Location b. Geophysical aspect and history of activity c. Tourism d. Risk factors e. Risk management b. Post eruption i. lava mining 1. Study Case: Merapi Indonesia a. Stone property and use for sculpture b. Advantages ii. Agriculture: fertility of soil 1. Earth Properties 2. Economic impact 3. Study cases iii. Ashes business 1. Product tools 2. Transportation IV. Disasters type 1: tornado, hurricane, tsunami – Business Opportunities a. Domains of need and wants: i. Food ii. shelter iii. utilities iv. financing, v. work force planning vi. housing, security vii. communication and information technology viii. medical ix. transportation x. Insurance V. Disaster type 2: fire and floods – Business Opportunities a. Soil fertility b. Reconstruction VI. Discussion a. Reminding question and hypothesis. i. What are the business opportunities in a volcano ii. That I must be limited because we don’t really hear about it and it is not used much iii. The research about the subject refuted the hypothesis. b. GEOTHERMAL AND FINDINGS i. According to findings geothermal is been used but mostly in Europe and US ii. Why? iii. East African- findings-potential area to exploit iv. Problem developed and developing country and renewable energy c. GEOTOURISM AND FINDINGS i. Unexpected finding. Geotourism is quite developed. d. SOIL FERTILITY AND ASHESAND Findings i. Ashes have many consequences 1. Soil fertility, the nutriments, that is why we find lots of people surrounding volcanic areas 2. Beauty tool 3. Problems related to ashes a. Lava mining b. Explain why it doesn’t figure in the paper 4. Limited relevant work citied a. Depth of the explanation is very high/ engineering leve l b. Potential research VII. Conclusion a. Limitation of the subject b. Not new but not developed concept c. Clear business opportunities i. The impact of these opportunities. How the can influence our world and create a better place Introduction: Natural resources seem to be the epicenter of multiple problems. Different geographical locations on the globe possess different potentials in terms of natural resources. â€Å"Naturally people will tend to exploit areas where they will gain more productivity with minimum investment†

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

3 Artworks of 3 Artist releating to speak and memory Assignment

3 Artworks of 3 Artist releating to speak and memory - Assignment Example The concept of memory and speak is brought in the painting Kahlo’s Self-Portrait with Portrait of Dr. Farill as it depicts her state of psychology during her long, tempestuous relationship with Diego Rivera (Lindauer 83). Even when her partner Rivera figure does not appear in her painting, she has a tendency to identify other elements and features of her paintings as a symbol of the presence of her partner. To make herself well remembered, she paints herself having heavy eyebrows that are joined into one in order to express and androgynous mind. It is striking how Dr. Farill, who had normal eyebrows, gains unified ones in the painting. She wants to be associated with her physician and to hold the memories of him when she alters her costume to resemble a white coat of a physician. Her diary confirms her need to keep the memory of the doctor, and her identification with the doctor in the portrait is to show as her the doctor works hard, continues to care for the sick while he is also seriously ill (Lindauer 87). Kahlo wants to depict the importance of doctors in the society and why they should be remembered. The brushes and a palette just close to her painting of her doctor that depicts the nature of Kahlo’s art, where she says that her painting is carrying a message of pain. The palette in her lap is replaced by part of her heart, while her paintbrushes are dripping with blood, that leaves the view with no doubt that her existence is important and need a memory. When one looks at this painting and identifies the different elements used, one cannot help but see the artwork of Jan Van Eyck. Here the concept of memory is brought up as Durer does not the painting of Eyck to go unremembered, but is in memory of those who view his own paintings. Durer puts an inscription some place within his painting so that he can bring to the viewer the meaning behind the painting (Koerner 31). It is his signature of using inscription

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Managing Diversity in South Africa Essay Example for Free

Managing Diversity in South Africa Essay Introduction In the workplace, diversity in terms of ethnicity, locality, education and skills, age, and gender exist. Managers or employers therefore require innovative ideas to successfully manage employees in the workplace. Diversity management is a relatively new field in the South African business environment. Managing employees and the work environment involves different aspects and is influenced by the internal environment such as in the mission, vision and goals of the organisation as well as the external environment. These aspects include areas where diversity management is important. Managers have various roles to carry out in an organisation in order to provide effective management and deal with the ethical issues. Factors such as changing structures and polices, providing diversity skills training, creating cross functional teams and employee network groups, building relationships, and providing complete managerial support are all factors that contribute towards effective diversity management. A successful diversity management approach must be more accommodating and more capable of promoting the diversity within an organization to bring everyone together and generate effective participation. This means that employees should be regarded as an organized whole that brings meaningful contributions from their social, political, economic, and geographical experiences. 2. Diversity Diversity can be defined as all the ways people differ, that is the different influences to approaching the workplace, communication between employees, satisfaction achieved from performance and identification in the workplace (Daft, Kendrick, amp; Vershinina, 2010). It is a commitment to distinguishing and appreciating the range of characteristics that make individuals unique in an atmosphere that supports and celebrates individual and collective achievement (Tennessee, 2003). Diversity â€Å"represents the multitude of individual differences and similarities that exist among people (Kreitner, 2001). According to Erasmus, diversity applies to all employees and does not only encompass certain differences but rather the entire spectrum of individual differences that make people unique. Therefore diversity cannot be viewed as only racial or religious differentiation but s all differences combined. The notion of diversity describes differences among people as well as similarities. The discipline of managing diversity requires that these two aspects are managed simultaneously. He further suggests that managers are expected to integrate the collective mixture of similarities and differences between workers into the organisation (Erasmus, 2007). Diver sity is more than being politically correct; it is about nurturing a culture that values individuals and their wide assortment of needs and contributions Diversity management is a moderately new field in the South African business environment. Diversity management is ensuring that the necessary factors are in place to provide for and to encourage the continuous development of diversity in the workplace, by incorporating actual and perceived differences to achieve the utmost efficiency (Bandyopadhyay, Hazra, amp; Goswami, 2007). Diversity management can also be defined as the commitment on the part of the organisations to recruit, retain, reward and promote a heterogeneous mix of productive, motivated and committed workers, including people of colour, whites, females and the disabled (Inancevich amp; Gilbert, 2000). The two areas where diversity management are particularly important include: * Workplace diversity. * Global diversity. Workplace diversity refers to the array of distinctions between people in an organisation. Some of the benefits of implementing workplace diversity are; increased adaptability which supplies a variety of solutions to problems in service, sourcing, and allocation of resources, various opinions which include ideas and experiences, and effectiveness in terms of employee performance to attain goals (Greenberg, 2005). Furthermore, enhanced use of employee capacity is encouraged. This involves competitive advantage over other organisations along with prospects and development of employees for retention purposes. Diversity initiatives retain a competitive advantage by improving employee confidence, decreasing interpersonal conflict, facilitating development in new markets and increasing creativity. It also includes the understanding of the marketplace in terms of the changing needs of consumers. Building workplace diversity will also result in the improved extent of understanding in leadership positions that encompasses a variety of skills. Better quality of team problem solving to bring in different perspectives resulting in creativity of ideas and solutions and lastly reduction of costs induce lower turnover, absenteeism and lawsuits (Daft, Kendrick, amp; Vershinina, 2010). Global diversity is more than just demographical factors (such as age, race, gender, ethnicity, disability and sexual orientation), it is about thinking, leadership, skills and style which integrates peoples differences to achieve all the goals planned and is acceptable universally, that is by breaking though barriers through globalisation (Dell, 2011). Globalisation refers to standardisation of products plan and marketing strategy throughout the world by assuming a homogeneous global market of consumers and industrial products (Daft, Kendrick, amp; Vershinina, 2010). A benefit of global diversity is broader services through customer satisfaction and product availability. By managing diversity, managers access a range of skills which the organisation has never had before and thus a broader array of individual strengths, experiences and perspectives. There is also a wider legitimacy and organisational image across a wider audience. Managers however should realise that managing diversity is fairly tough and cannot be implemented immediately. It is instead a long-term strategy in order to correct the imbalances in the workplace. 3. Mission, Vision and Goals A mission is defined as the organisations’ reason for existence. A mission statement is a broadly stated definition of the purpose of the company. Well designed mission statements can enhance employee motivation and organisational performance.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Transnational Race and the Black Movement Essay -- Race History

The United States and Latin America have seen their fair shares of inequality and hardships when it comes to those of the minority status. Minorities have successfully fought back in the timeless battle to achieve equality, rather it be with those of their own race, or from different ethnic backgrounds. When groups are able to coexist, their ideologies are expressed to one another and at times are able to influence different groups on their attitudes toward different subjects. Now that immigration has astronomically increased to the United States, the idea of this country as a â€Å"melting pot† has never been more correct. Being that more individuals are turning to the United States for permanent residence, race has obtained multiple definitions over the course of history, resulting from the ever-changing racial makeup of the United States and Latin America. The black movement has also contributed to the change in racial identification from the early 20th century up until to day, resulting in transnational ideologies of race. These two changes have culminated into the current culture that is taking over America, and making it into a more diversified nation. As the election of President Barack Obama proved to America and others around the world that this country was moving past race, the importance of transnational ideologies and race in America have led to a society that does not turn to race first, but instead looks at the beliefs and attitudes of those around it. When looking around the world at different races, it is easy to compare some of the sentiment toward these races to the very same attitudes American citizens have against them in the United States. Mark Anderson discusses how certain stereotypes about blacks have diffuse... ...rican American president, how far will we go in ensuring that race is a thing of the past? Works Cited Anderson, Mark. "Bad Boys and Peaceful Garifuna." In Neither Enemies nor Friends, by Anani Dzidzienyo and Oboler Suzanne, 101-115. New York: Palgrave Macmillian, 2005. DeScipio, Louis. "Transnational politics and civic engagement : do home-country political ties limit Latino immigrant pursuit of US civic engagement and citizenship?" In Transforming politics, transforming America : the political and civic incorporation of immigrants in the United States, by S. Karthick Ramakrishnan, and Ricardo Ramà ­rez Taeku Lee, n/a. Charlottesville: UVA Press, 2006. Lewis, Hope. "Transnational Dimensions of Race in America." Albany Law Review, 2009: 999-1028. Sawyer, Mark Q. Racial Politics in Post-Revolutionary Cuba. New York City: Cambridge University Press, 2006.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

The Method of Teaching Conroy’s Used

The â€Å"Water is Wide† takes place on the coast of South Carolina and Yamacraw Island during the nineteen sixties. A man by the name of Pat Conroy offers to teach over on the island, many people on the island have no education and are illiterate. When Conroy gets over to the island he finds himself very disgraceful. The teachers at the school believe that the children cannot be taught. His method of teaching is very different from others. One of Conroy†s goals was to teach the children about America. So he showed them movies and let them listen to American musicians. After doing this about every day, it made an influence in the children†s lives. Big C and Lincoln were the class clowns. They hated the principle because every time they did something bad she would beat them. During most of his time on the island, Conroy stayed with the Skimberry†s. The Skimberry†s were a nice couple named Zeke and Ida. When Halloween came around Conroy decided he wanted to take the children over to Bluffton, South Carolina, or Halloween so they could â€Å"trick or treat.† None of the kids even knew what â€Å"trick or treating† was. After making field trip forms and sending them home with all the children. The children came back with one of them signed. So Conroy went door to door asking begging each of the parents to let their children go. Throughout the story Pat Conroy took the children many places. Unfortunately Mrs. Brown and Ted Stone accused him of doing many wrong things. He was not able to return the next year. Even if Conroy did not teach the children anything, he still felt they would be able to survive in the outside world. I like this book. It made me very thankful that I have a good education. I also like the way Pat Conroy writes. In the future, I hope to read some of his other books. My favorite part of the book was when they would listen to the music of different artists, I also liked when they would play outside and he would tell about how they played so roughly. This was the best book I have read in a long time. The one part I did not really like was how it did not really tell when the story took place. I also did not like all the description. I think people of all ages should read this book. The Method of Teaching Conroy’s Used The â€Å"Water is Wide† takes place on the coast of South Carolina and Yamacraw Island during the nineteen sixties. A man by the name of Pat Conroy offers to teach over on the island, many people on the island have no education and are illiterate. When Conroy gets over to the island he finds himself very disgraceful. The teachers at the school believe that the children cannot be taught. His method of teaching is very different from others. One of Conroy†s goals was to teach the children about America. So he showed them movies and let them listen to American musicians. After doing this about every day, it made an influence in the children†s lives. Big C and Lincoln were the class clowns. They hated the principle because every time they did something bad she would beat them. During most of his time on the island, Conroy stayed with the Skimberry†s. The Skimberry†s were a nice couple named Zeke and Ida. When Halloween came around Conroy decided he wanted to take the children over to Bluffton, South Carolina, or Halloween so they could â€Å"trick or treat.† None of the kids even knew what â€Å"trick or treating† was. After making field trip forms and sending them home with all the children. The children came back with one of them signed. So Conroy went door to door asking begging each of the parents to let their children go. Throughout the story Pat Conroy took the children many places. Unfortunately Mrs. Brown and Ted Stone accused him of doing many wrong things. He was not able to return the next year. Even if Conroy did not teach the children anything, he still felt they would be able to survive in the outside world. I like this book. It made me very thankful that I have a good education. I also like the way Pat Conroy writes. In the future, I hope to read some of his other books. My favorite part of the book was when they would listen to the music of different artists, I also liked when they would play outside and he would tell about how they played so roughly. This was the best book I have read in a long time. The one part I did not really like was how it did not really tell when the story took place. I also did not like all the description. I think people of all ages should read this book.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Life’s Path Is A Maze Essay

As a writer, I feel I am going through a maze. In the beginning I realized there is more than one path to take, either it can lead me toward success or it can lead to a dead end. In my mind I know it can be easy at times, but other times when I come to a stopping point I overthink things. I feel like my choices need to be made right away. I think of it as temptations being called from every direction. One way will lead me to the finish line and the other path will only take me back to where I had started. When I’m given a writing assignment I feel the pressures is on. I’m ready to step up and face the biggest challenge I have in English class which is essays. As I was told, it is okay to write my first draft essay badly to make it easier, but as we get further along everything seems to be going faster. â€Å"When we are finished with the essay the pressure on my decisions are finally over.† I am relieved and confident in my first draft. Hopefully this will lead m e to the key to life in English. A Radiology Technologist performs imaging of the human body for diagnosis or treating medical problems. My dream is to become a Radiology Technologist and day after day it had transformed me into an ambition which I wanted to move towards. A Radiology Technologist requires you to gain four top skills throughout your learning experience; Communication, Physical, Clinical, and Education. First, I will keep working hard at Seward so I’m able to get the appropriate basic skills for me to get into the Radiology program in Weatherford. I will acquire a variety of classes that will challenge me to write many different papers. In order for me to become successful in my career I will focus on becoming a better writer. Writing will be a huge part of my career because I will need to interview patients to learn about their medical history, write reports for referring doctors, and also communicate Therapeutic and Diagnostic position. Although this will be a challenge, I will try my best to achieve this goal. My goals for school are ridiculously challenging. I want to be able to  understand critically and accurately, which means I have to develop my own reasoning and stand up for what I believe in. My second goal is to learn to write clearly and precisely. I am determined to be able to expand my vocabulary so that I can paint a strong mental picture in someone’s mind when I’m explaining something. My third goal is to be exposed to ideas outside of my own background. I need to be able to get out of my comfort zone, I’m a shy person when it comes to doing activities that I’m not familiar with. This goal will give me the opportunity to use personal and professional skills which I will gain as I get further along in my studies. My last goal is to learn how to interact reasonably and responsibly with others. Interacting with others provide great working relationships, and successful communication. This goal helps build strong character with others as a Radiology T echnologist. â€Å"When life hands you lemons, have someone else make you some lemonade.† This is a quote I found on the internet that I’ve followed through life which has helped me now and will also allow me to face many challenges in the future. In my eyes it means when something negative happens try to make the best of it and when something positive happens you make it sweet. When I hear someone say smart goals I think of Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Timely. My English teacher from sophomore and senior year taught me this. It means, my specific goal would be to become a Radiology Technologist. I would then ask myself how much time will this take. How will I know when my goal is accomplished? When I look at these questions it helps me realize how important my goal. I also have to think about how my goal is realistic? In my opinion yes, because it isn’t impossible to go into the medical field. You have to be willing to put others before yourself. The last part I think about is how much time this will take. I want to be able to transfer to a four year university in order for me to get the right training for my career. Dreams are the most amazing thing people can strive for. We all love to dream, to hope, and to see ourselves get better each day. Every one of us dreams of being something big in life whether it’s becoming a lawyer, doctor, or maybe a police officer. In order to pursue my dreams I have to become a stronger writer. Which means I have to complete my studies and work hard to achieve many more goals in life. If I put my best abilities forward I can accomplish my goals in the best way possible. There’s no doubt that there will be times when I feel  like giving up, but I know I can’t give up on myself and my family. I have to learn to just stand up and try even if I have to try for a thousand times. when I finally reach my goals I’ll feel happy from deep inside my heart because then I’ll l be doing exactly what I love to do and I’ll be testing my wildest dreams . I believe nothing can be compared to this moment because when you set your dreams in front of your eyes and work for them, there will be no d oubt in my mind that I will achieve them someday. I will also be able to say I’m proud of myself because I proved that there’s nothing impossible when I actually was determined to do.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Fraternities and Sororities and Fraternity Essay Essay Example

Fraternities and Sororities and Fraternity Essay Essay Example Fraternities and Sororities and Fraternity Essay Essay Fraternities and Sororities and Fraternity Essay Essay When we hear the word â€Å"frat† it comes to our head that it’s a group of people that making something in possible and bad influence for the pupils like us. All the things around that may destruct our surveies. And we are all familiar to this because it is widely known for different name of groups of people who are organized it. And we are besides cognizant to the consequence of it due to the intelligence about what happened to the member of this group that is being abused. And some are died because they can non last to what they are making. And this is normally happen in different schools that have a large population of pupil merely like universities. Because the frat members can non easy notice if they were involve. due to many pupils in that topographic point. Not merely like in the school which has fewer Numberss of pupils is really noticeable when there is a fraternity. The word fraternity came from the Latin word â€Å"frater† which means â€Å"brotherâ €  otherwise is a brotherhood. though the term sometimes connotes a distinguishable or formal organisation and a secret society. A fraternity is a male-only association with members who are linked by common involvements of some signifier or another. . : Peoples who wish to fall in typically take part in activities which take topographic point over the class of a hebdomad at the start of a semester. Since most colleges with a fraternity system have multiple fraternities. these events normally take topographic point during the same hebdomad at all fraternities. leting people to research all their options. This period is known as â€Å"rush week† . After first-come-first-serve hebdomad. current members of the fraternity decide which members should be voted in. Traditionally. new pledges participate in an induction ceremonial which has historically been accompanied by hazing challenges. Due to concerns about the hazards of hazing challenges which involve unsafe activities and imbibing. many colleges have explicitly banned hazing in the involvement of pupil safety. Some colleges have besides cracked down on fraternity parties in response to ailments from other pupils and the environing community. Membership in a fraternity can confabulate many advantages. It is non uncommon for fraternities to keep living quarters and private nines which are merely unfastened to their members. Particular scholarships may be available. and fraternity rank can be used for networking which will be valuable subsequently in life. Many people besides enjoy the brotherhood which comes with fraternity rank. From Internet ( researches ) The old apprehension was that it was typical for a fraternity to be all-men group while sorority was all-women group. However. there is such thing as a sister sorority or a brother fraternity. While in theory they are separate organisations. but in pattern they are one. They believe in the same rules. They pattern the same tradition and they have the same mission. vision and methods of work. As such. there is a good ground to unite the fraternity and sorority to unite the organisations. However. long clip ago. there were already fraternities who accepted female members who were extremely qualified to the criterions of the fraternity. This happened in I?AE at Central Mindanao University. Musuan Bukidon. Philippines in 1966. This resulted to a mixed-sex organisation. Then in the ulterior old ages. there were unifying of the brother-sister organisations. But in some instances. the sorority is absorbed by the fraternity instead than merged. therefore retaining the name of the latter. The re are patterns in the fraternity/sororities that merely the members are privileged of take parting and/or basking them. These patterns are traditions that the organisations are keeping which are by and large symbolic in nature but are closely guarded with exclusivity. In add-on to the naming of brod or sis. there are the watchwords. vocals. special/exclusive handshakings. tattoos. slogan. usage of badge or pin. frat spine. or even a frat whistling. colourss. flag. flowers. or seal. It has a slogan to show the ideals of the fraternity or sorority. They are really important to the organisation. They remind them of their pledge of commitment to the brethren. Some Greek-letter organisations have acquired juridical personality to conform to local legal law. This had widened the positions of the organisations to prosecute and/or participate in some public enterprises necessitating licenses and/or licences. For illustration. Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity â€Å"Philippines† is registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission under Registration No. CN200429554. In a simple linguistic communication one joins a fraternity/sorority because he/she believes it is good for him/her. and he/she likes to be one of its members. Virtually. common sense will state us that we would merely voluntarily fall in an organisation if it is good to us. And if we do non like the members of that organisation we would non besides voluntarily fall in. more so if new entrants would endure in the procedure of fall ining like induction and hazing. The North-American Inter fraternity Council ( NAIFC ) as posted in the cyberspace suggested to see some of the ways Greek life can positively act upon your college calling and the remainder of your life. The first manner is to be successful in life which means desiring to make good academically. to graduate on clip and happen a good occupation. and to hold wise mans and friends to assist me develop as a pupil and as a individual. This is possible because fraternities/sororities stress academic excellence and many alumnas members can assist occupation arrangement. The 2nd manner where your life can be influenced positively harmonizing to NAIFC is to be a better individual. This means desiring to be a leader. to work efficaciously and to face inappropriate behaviour. to larn to interact socially. and to be a responsible individual among other things. The 3rd manner is to organize womb-to-tomb friendly relationship. This means desiring to happen a close-knit of friends assisting one another with common values and involvement. When I started college in 1962 I was a lone wolf. even introvert. and had neer been involved in extra-curricular activities. Then I joined a fraternity in 1966. and I became a campus figure. The 4th manner where your life can be influenced positively harmonizing to NAIFC is to hold fun in college. This means desiring to take part in campus events. to hold emphasis alleviating activities. and run into new people making new things. Before I joined a fraternity. pupil life was truly deadening. All surveies without drama. I was good in faculty members but really hapless in political relations. I was really hapless in leading and human dealingss. After I joined a fraternity I became the president of two major campus organisations. the News Editor of the school organ. the Editor-in-Chief of the Annual Yearbook. and was appointed as the Secretary of the Department of Internal and External Information of the Executive Branch of the Student Body Organization. In add-on to the predating study of NAIFC. Cesar Gonzales. a Daily Titan Staff Writer in his article posted at the Internet on December 11. 2009 corroborated the same by stating that. Being in a fraternity builds friendly relationship and character. Rightly said ; in fact this is a familiar statement one will hear when person is asked why he/she joined a fraternity or sorority. But his thought that one joined a fraternity to acquire the full college experience and to hold merriment and run into new people to be able to populate the college life needs farther account. I rather agree with the thought but I have some reserves. In fact the members that I met for the first clip became my brothers and sisters ; non merely friends. But fraternity work is non all for merriment. It is possible that Greek-letter organisations vary in aims. mission. vision. and methods of work. But I’m certain that many fraternities/sororities consider rank a lifetime committedness of constructing a wholesome household characterized by love and integrity. Loving is non ever for merriment. Most frequently than non. it is denying oneself in order to execute service. Loving person is accepting a duty. Anyway. one time you’re a member of a fraternity/sorority. you are expected to take part in many events like meetings. conferences. seminars and other clip devouring committednesss. And there are of these organisations that conduct group surveies and reappraisal for term scrutiny. Of class there are fun-related activities like parties. field daies. jaunts or athleticss. But ever the intent is acquiring to cognize you. In some ways. being a fraternity or sorority member is more like of taking a lifestyle than merely for leisure. To be a good member one has to be willing and available for these events. But many people have the incorrect impression that fraternity or sorority life is all about partying. So unluckily. negative stereotypes about fraternity/sorority life are abundant and fellow pupils. even friends will judge you cruelly because of your rank. This is hence a existent challenge to Greek-letter organisations to turn out otherwise. There are fraternities/sororities that academic accomplishment among other things is a serious concern. Their attitudes towards analyzing and run intoing high pedant records are really positive. So. when you have this sort of fraternity/sorority. the feeling that fall ining these organisations would eat up your clip and consequence to the disregard of your surveies is non at all a sweeping statement. In fact most fraternities/sororities I knew require that those who would come in plighting must hold no neglecting classs. The advantages of fall ining a fraternity or sorority was besides emphasized by Harlan Cohen in his article Greek Life posted on September 24. 2007 that there are chances for leading one time you join this sort of organisation. He said that so much of Grecian life is about accomplishment and leading and the pupils who make up the largest per centum of leaders on campuses are Greeks. I agree with all of these. I will unwrap latter that all of the establishing members of my fraternity occupied top ranking elected and appointed places in the pupil organic structure organisation and were leaders in civic and societal organisations in the campus. But Cohen on the other manus besides enumerated the disadvantages in fall ining a fraternity/sorority. One is clip committedness that competes with survey clip that the student’s classs may endure. This contradicts to the aim of academic excellence of a fraternity/sorority. Cohen farther said that another disadvantage of fall ining a fraternity/sorority is money. indicating out that there can be an atrocious batch of incidental disbursals. Actually. this is non true to all fraternities. In my fraternity and sister sorority. our fiscal duty was merely one peso per hebdomad. Then. Cohen besides said that there is besides that danger of exposing oneself to enticements of sex and intoxicant. This is possible. but the truth is deficiency of morality and indulging to frailties can go on to anybody ; member or non member to these organisations. It depends on the individual. Possibly bad company. or hapless household upbringing. or deficiency of supplications can be one of the causes. But it is non by and large correct to impute the bad luck to the fraternity or sorority. Coming to college is one of the major life alterations that your boy or girl will travel through. Joining a fraternity or sorority chapter will assist do the passage easier. Developing womb-to-tomb friendly relationships with the members in their chapter helps do the campus seem smaller. For many members. these chapters become a place off from place. In add-on to the brotherhood/sisterhood. every chapter is dedicated to heightening leading. scholarship. and philanthropy/community service. These ideals form the foundation of the fraternity and sorority experience. and are upheld within a civilization of support and growing through academic support plans. leading preparation and hands-on experience. educational workshops. societal events and undertakings for community service and philanthropic gift. In my instance I co-founded Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity-Philippines to set up support system among technology pupils in order to complete the class on clip and base on balls successfully the Board Examination. In add-on to our concern for high academic public presentation. we besides wanted to larn leading in campus organisations and other extra-curricular activities. And since I didn’t like the patterns of the bing fraternity in the campus. we decided to organize a new fraternity that will transport out our beliefs. inspirations and ideals. So the issue of disbursals. clip for analyzing. alcohol addiction. or even acquiring involve with the opposite sex were neer a concern in the organisation. It was earlier mentioned that rank to these organisations is lifetime. Hence. after graduation the alumnas members carry with them the rights and benefits of rank. That’s why in her article posted in the website October 16. 2006 entitled Grecian Life: Advantages. Naomi Rockler Gladen said that â€Å"When you’re looking for a occupation a few old ages from now. your accomplishment set frequently is non every bit of import as your connexions. This is unfortunate. but it’s a world. Grecian rank is a great manner to link with people. both in your pledge category and through members who have graduated and joined the on the job universe. I know of a esteemed private corporation in Manila. Philippines that is owned by a member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon where all the employees ; supervisors and rank-and-files belong to the same fraternity.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

How To Use Cuando in Spanish

How To Use Cuando in Spanish Cuando or its question form, cundo, is the Spanish word used most often for when. It can be used as an interrogative pronoun, subordinating conjunction, or preposition. Fortunately, its use is usually straightforward for Spanish students because as a pronoun or conjunction it is used in much the same way as the English word. Cundo in Questions In questions, cundo is always used with a verb in the indicative mood, the most common type. As in the final two examples, cundo can also be used in indirect questions.  ¿Cundo pasà ³ el cometa Halley por à ºltima vez? (When did Halleys comet last pass by?) ¿Cundo es Semana Santa en Espaà ±a este aà ±o? (When is Holy Week in Spain this year?) ¿Hasta cundo dura la ola de frà ­o? (How long will the cold wave last? Literally: Until when will the cold wave last?) ¿Cundo ganarà © la loterà ­a? (When will I win the lottery?)Quieren saber cundo voy a dar a luz. (They want  to know when Im going to give birth.)No entiendo cundo se usan las palabras por y para. (I dont understand when the words por and para are used.)No sabemos cundo aprendià ³ a atarse los zapatos. (We dont know when she learned to tie her shoes.) Note how cundo is spelled with an orthographic accent. The accent doesnt affect its pronunciation. Cuando as a Subordinator When cuando is used used to introduce a clause (a series of words that could be a sentence but form a longer phrase starting with cuando), either the indicative or subjunctive mood can be used in that clause. The choice of moods depends on whether the action of the verb has been completed. As a subordinating conjunction, cuando - usually translated as when or whenever - typically is followed by a verb in the indicative mood when that verb refers to something that has already occurred or is occurring in the present. The present includes referring to an event that has occurred and could continue to occur. Boldface verbs in these samples indicate the subordinate verb in the indicative mood: Recuerdo cuando llegaron mis padres. (I remember when my parents came.)La à ºltima vez fue cuando dos miembros del equipo fueron detenidos. (The last time was when two members of the team were arrested.)Ana cometià ³ dos errores cuando comprà ³ la bicicleta.  (Ana made two mistakes when she bought the bicycle.)No hay nada que hacer cuando la và ­ctima ya est muerta. (There is nothing to do when the victim is already dead.)Nadie me paga cuando estoy enfermo. (Nobody pays me when Im sick.)Come cuando tengas hambre, no sà ³lo cuando el reloj dice que es hora de comer. (Eat when you are hungry, not just when the clock says its time to eat.)Cuando vamos a la ciudad siempre es porque hay mil cosas que hacer allà ­. (When we go to the city it is always because there are a thousand  things to do there.) In contrast, the present-tense subjunctive mood typically follows cuando when verb referring to an action or state of being that has yet to occur. Note how use of the subjunctive isnt accompanied by a corresponding verb change in the English translation.  Boldfaced verbs here are in the subjunctive: Llegaremos cuando debamos y no antes. (We will arrive when we should and not before.)Mà ­rame a los ojos cuando hables.  (Look in my eyes when you speak.)Despià ©rtame cuando lleguen tus amigos. (Wake me up when your friends arrive.)Vamos a hacerlo cuando seamos capaces. (We are going to do it when we are capable.) ¿Quà © voy a hacer cuando està © viejo? (What am I going to do when I am old?)Cuando vayamos a la ciudad sea porque habrn mil cosas que hacer allà ­. (When we go to the city, it will be because there will be a thousand things to do there.) Cuando as a Preposition Although not particularly common, cuando also can be a preposition. In these instances, cuando means at the time of, although you may have to improvise with the translation rather than translating word for word. Voy a estar triste cuando insolvencia. (Ill be sad when an insolvency occurs.)No he pensado cà ³mo serà © cuando adulto. (I have not thought of how Ill be as an adult.)Apaga la llama cuando hervir. (Turn off the flame when boiling occurs.) Key Takeaways When cundo is used in a question to mean when, a written accent is used with the .Cuando (without a written accent) is frequently used to introduced a clause that can be in either the indicative or subjunctive mood.Unlike the English when, cuando is sometimes used as a preposition and cannot be translated directly.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Literature review of Acupuncture as an adjunct in Drug and Alcohol Essay

Literature review of Acupuncture as an adjunct in Drug and Alcohol Withdrawal - Essay Example This study was able to establish that there was a strong consensus among clients and staff interviewed that acupuncture had a beneficial impact in terms of helping patient relax, reducing his anxiety and pain. 2. Mills, E., Wu, P., Gagnier, J., and Ebbert, J., (2005). Efficacy of acupuncture for cocaine dependence: a systematic review & meta-analysis. Harm Reduction Journal 2(4), pp. 1-6. In this paper, the authors systematically evaluated and analyzed the randomized controlled trials on acupuncture in the management of cocaine addiction. The authors were able to cover 10 databases using different inclusion criteria. All in all, the authors established that the meta-analysis does not support the use of acupuncture in the management of cocaine dependence. However, most of the trials had issues with a significant loss in their follow-up, thus lessening the impact of the inferences drawn. 3. Black, S., Carey, E., Webber, A., Neish, N., and Gilbert, R. (2011). Determining the efficacy of auricular acupuncture for reducing anxiety in patients withdrawing from psychoactive drugs. J Subst Abuse Treat., 41(3):279-87 This study hypothesized that auricular acupuncture can reduce the anxiety caused by withdrawal from psychoactive drugs. ... lar acupuncture was not more effective than sham or control treatments in reducing anxiety and the use of acupuncture in the management of drug withdrawal is still controversial. 4. Killeen, T. and Brady, K. (1997). A preliminary study of the effects of auricular acupuncture on alcohol and drug withdrawal symptoms. Substance Abuse, 18(3). The authors set out to evaluate the impact of auricular acupuncture in reducing stress in drug withdrawal patients. About 60 patients were covered by this paper with questionnaires used after initial treatment with acupuncture. Their rate of distress was measured. The authors were able to establish that there were statistically significant improvements seen on all measures for the subjects during the pre and post testing period. QUESTION 2 Literature Review Introduction Alternative and complementary medicine has long been part of our conventional medicine practice, especially in many parts of Asia and in the African region. For the West, their focus has always been on conventional and modern medicine and the adaptation of alternative therapies has not found widespread acceptance. There are various risks involved in the use of alternative and complementary medicine, especially as its applications are not supported by scientific studies and research. This paper shall establish a critical analysis of literature on acupuncture and its impact on drug withdrawal. This paper shall provide a critical analysis based on specific literature on the subject matter. First, an overview of the acupuncture shall be discussed, along with a general description of drug withdrawal. Secondly, an overview of available literature on the subject matter shall be presented. Thirdly, a critical analysis of gaps within these studies will be discussed. Lastly, a